Bug fixes & improvements
Modern Forms
Version 1.3.69
- Fixed displaying an error message when API request permission 'Directory.Read.All' is not approved for the placeholder [[@User.IsMemberOfGroup('Group', checkNestedADGroups)]]
- Fixed the appearance of the 'Unsaved changes' dialog on forms when there are no actual changes and user redirects to another list
Solution Studio
- Fixed saving modern pages within Solution Studio
Background Actions (Triggered Actions)
- Fixed the execution of Triggered Actions with trigger type 'Item added'. Previously, it was triggered when editing older items
Package & Publish
- Enhanced provisioning of modern pages:
- Supported collapsible sections
- Improved provisioning of different page layouts
- Supported provisioning of different page types (e.g., Space)
- Fixed provisioning of ColabHome.aspx
- Fixed provisioning of navigation links to the site collection
- Supported provisioning of the 'Edit New menu' settings for document libraries
- Improved provisioning of list column descriptions
- Fixed provisioning of list forms when no default form is set
- Fixed the issue where unselected List Actions were being deleted during Solution merge. Now, unselected List Actions persist as expected