New features & improvements
Add from existing site column
When creating or modifying a List, you were already able to add new column. Now you can also add columns from existing site columns
Create Site when not available
When creating a new Solution, publish an existing Solution or starting from a Template, you now have the ability to create the Site automatically if it does not exist yet.
Package and Publish: Support Person & Group publish with content
Set correct user reference on target environment, if user exist on there
Package and Publish: Support of content types on Lists and Built in Content Types
If a content type is present on a list that is packaged, the content types of this lists will as well be part of the package and will also be published
Execution optimizations on client-side Expression Evaluation
All existing Expression will lead to the same result as before. In the unlikely case of changed behavior, feel free to contact us.
Bugs fixed
AL,RF compatibility: AL does not evaluate current field value
Expression Evaluation was based on stored values and disregarded field changes in expression evaluation in some cases.
RF: Save doesn't work correctly after resetting to previous version if special symbols presented
Problems with RF reverting to older versions were fixed.
isChanged Property is not working for people or group field
Before this fix, the isChanged property always returned true.
"Only Display" - Person or Group Field not showing value on Default Edit Form
On Edit Form the configured "Only Display" User or Group Field did not display the value
"Group with header" was not working in runtime
The Expand/Collapse was not working in runtime mode