New features & improvements
Document Generator
The Document Generation skybow Solution Accelerator generates documents with freely definable content from any SharePoint list. This generation can be triggered by a link (touch of a button) using actions on Action Links or Rich Forms. For example, you can create a Word template for so-called form letters and directly fill these with data of an individual or company saved in a SharePoint list.
Document Generation becomes even more effective combined with Dossier Management. This way, you cannot only generate content from Dossier master data, but also from lists belonging to the Dossier and combine all into one document.
As always, all configurations are done in Solution Studio.
Publishing now supports Managed Metadata columns included in list contents
When including list content containing managed metadata columns, the values of the fields are set too if the terms are available on the target environment. If any terms are not found a warning messages are listed in the publishing log.
Bugs fixed
Error in evaluation IsChanged placeholder when null value in field
The IsChanged placeholder for fields in expressions now works correctly even when the value is null.
After creating solution from template links should be selected as in template
The navigation links selected in a template are now also preselected in the solutions created from a template.
Incorrect selecting list for Open List Form action in RF when subsite with uppercase
The Open List Form action would not correctly allow configuring the form if the subsite selected contained uppercase characters. This has been fixed now.
Test item select is overlapping "Save" and "Cancel" buttons in Expression builder
In the Expression Builder the Save and Cancel buttons would be overlapped with test items when they had very long titles:
This is fixed now.
Reset to version for non-default content type is not functioning properly
If non-default content type is selected in Rich Forms editor and tried to reset to a version where there was no form for this content type, an empty form would be displayed. We now disabled resetting to versions that had no configured form for current content type.
Formatting became frozen and can't be edited after selecting format for label
In some cases the formatting became frozen after changing the format of a label using the ribbon menu. This works now again.
More robust handling when RF HTML structure was broken
When a field on a Rich Form was corrupted (i.e. unsupported characters were contained in the title) the ribbon would not show correctly and some features of the editor would not work. We have improved the rendering of fields to show any errors in it's control and not impact overall functioning of the forms.
Adding Fields in Edge browser does not work
When adding a field to a form using the Microsoft Edge browser the editor would hang and the field could only be inserted after refreshing the page. This is fixed now.
Content Type should be shown in toolbar of form like on OOB SharePoint forms
The content type is now shown in the button toolbar of the form when content types are enabled on the list:
Version should be shown in toolbar of display form like on OOB SharePoint forms
When versioning is enabled on list, the Version is now shown in the button toolbar of the form like on OOB SharePoint forms:
Content Type field cannot be inserted on display form of default content type
The content type field was not available in the fields option of the Rich Forms ribbon for list display forms with Content Types enabled. The field "Content Type" is now available and can be inserted on display forms.
Content Type should be shown like a field if explicitly inserted on display form
The content type field is now correctly rendered as a field on a display form when it has been inserted.
Show content type selector on customized Edit form of list with content types
The content type selector is now inserted by default on any customized Edit forms of lists that allow multiple content types.
Can't publish package when we create new subsite of current site collection
In the publishing wizard an error "Site doesn't exist." was shown even when selecting to create a new sub site to the current site collection. This has been fixed.
Implement Dossier Look for LVS
When adding a List View Search web part to a page in the solution the dossier styling is now applied. It used to only be applied if an Action Links or Rich Forms web part was contained on the page.
Site was not identified for trusting app principal if the URL entered contained trailing space
The "trust it now.." message was displayed on the create solution or publishing wizard even when the site had already been trusted if the URL was entered with trailing spaces. The trailing spaces are correctly ignored now.
Errors occurred in publish log when publish solution with custom managed metadata column
When managed metadata columns were included that referenced a term set not found in the target environment publishing failed. Now just a warning is shown and publishing can complete.
User cannot create a solution if he changed his work email
When a user changed the Email address linked to his Microsoft (personal or organizational) account creating solutions failed. We have corrected this.
In expressions the counter for detecting cyclic expressions execution is working incorrectly in some cases
When defining expressions on more than 5 different fields depending on each other the detection mechanism for avoiding recursive executions would abort evaluation of any further dependent expressions. This is now improved to check recursive executions only concerning the same single expression.
Page hangs in opening AL Action Builder if HTTP request action as the 1st action
When configuring a HTTP request action as the 1st action in an action link the page hangs on execution. This has been fixed.