New features & improvements
Document Generator: Support views on sub list
Example of configuration:
[[loop SublistTitle view('SomeView') query('<Where><BeginsWith><FieldRef Name="Title" /><Value Type="Text">[[{return [[Title]];}]]</Value></BeginsWith></Where>')]]
[[end loop]]
Where 'SomeView' is a view .aspx page title:
The order and filter of the view are applied. If CAML query is added (that is not necessary), it is united with view query using an 'and' operator.
Scheduled Actions: Changed default value from 'Every minute' to '0 (Zero)' and removed 'Every minute' option
Now "Every hour and 0 minutes" is the default option
Bugs fixed
Rich Forms: check calculated expressions breaks functionality (should break execution loop after 5 times)
Rich Forms: calculated expression for UserField is not working when cleaning the input in case of chain on New Form
If scripting capabilities are disabled and new version of Solution Studio is available, Editor.aspx is not shown: File Not Found when solution is opened or Editor.aspx refreshed
Payment: on Editor warning is shown on licensing icon for solution with wildcard after the dialog is opened
Solution Studio Online: Cannot create solution in site created by MS Teams
Now it is possible to create a solution on a Site created by MS Teams.
Expression new Date doesn't setting correctly according to original settings
Rich Forms does not show own content in runtime if sublist webpart is removed from Rich Forms and do not save page changes
There are no buttons in License wizard Edit mode on small screens
Now it's scaled properly