Bug fixes & improvements
Implemented waiting on asynchronous calls in every expression place
The base functionality of expressions evaluation is extended. Now, the deferred pattern can be used in the most client-side expressions.
To cancel actions execution, solution builder will able to use deferred.reject("SOME ERROR MESSAGE"). Examples:
{ var deferrer = jQuery.Deferred();window.setTimeout(function () { deferrer.resolve("12345"); }, 2000);return deferrer.promise(); }
{ var deferrer = jQuery.Deferred();window.setTimeout(function () { deferrer.reject("SOME ERROR MESSAGE"); }, 2000);return deferrer.promise(); }
For all nested expressions, like those used in following features this functionality will not work:
- Expressions in the List View Search
- Expressions from Word template file used in Document Generator action
- Expressions used in Lookup filtering
- Expressions inside functions with CAML query argument
Please see this article for more information about execution of asynchronous function.
Implemented actions execution for lists from different site of current site collection
Feature Version 1.0.37
- On any site option is available for Add, Update and Delete actions of modern forms and command actions.
Modern Forms
Feature Version 1.0.37
- improved handling of Multiline Plain and Rich text fields.
Package & Publish
- fixed provisioning logic for properties of the view in case if several views of the same list are on one list view page.