New features
Responsive Login Page
The skybow portal's login form is now responsive and works great even on your mobile device.
Aggregated Column Values: Support remote event receivers for change notification
Previously skybow's notification service relied only on SharePoint WebHooks for changes to lists that needed recalculations of aggregated values. Sadly in the current state these notifications are sometimes received with around 2 minutes delay which greatly impacts the user experience. Microsoft has informed it plans to reduce these delays to a few seconds, but without a clear release date. To reduce the delay for aggregated fields to be recalculated, we introduced a complementary mechanism using Remote Event Receivers on SharePoint. To activate this option, select the link "Reduce recalculation delay…" below the configuration of any column's calculated value and follow the instructions to trust skybow's app to use Remote Event Receivers. After activating using this link once on a site, it is not shown anymore in future.
Insert elements: User can insert LVS web part onto forms, views or pages from toolbox
List View Search web part can not be inserted on any page directly in Solution Studio using the "Insert Component" tab of the right-hand toolbox.
If multiple list views exist on the page the user is prompted to select which one to use by the inserted List View Search. The new List View Search web part is placed above the list view either in the same web part zone or inside the Rich Forms content if the list view is contained there.
Dossier generation: When reusing a form already customized existing web parts are utilized
When a list that has forms customized previously is used as main list on generating a new dossier, solution studio will try to reuse and extend any existing web parts (Action Links, Rich Forms, List View Search) avoiding too many duplicate web parts. This also ensures that previously used web parts are not unexpectedly deleted.
Create new Menu for Packaging and Publishing
In solution studio's header menu when on a solution, we have introduced the "Build", "Package" and "Publish" menu tabs.
"Build" is the area where a solution can be modified and allows managing all Solution Elements as currently already available. The "Package" area will provide a place for packaging, versioning and sharing the solution. In the "Publish" area we will provide features to launch and manage the deployment of the solution to own sites or customer's sites.
Bugs fixed
Aggregated Column Values
Multiple issues on aggregated column values feature where fixed. These contain, among others, support of removing aggregation configuration, correctly handling filter on recalculation and making the service more reliable.
After deleting a dossier, main panel is not refreshed
When deleting a dossier the navigation and main panel are correctly refreshed now.
Sub library tab > 'Drop here' area is shifted to the right
The area for dropping documents in sublibraries of a dossier was offset. This has been corrected.
[IE] 'Configure New dossier' is unresponsive until page in background is not fully loaded
Using Internet Explorer the new dossier wizard was unresponsive until the page completed loading. This has been fixed.
Scrollbar doesn't work properly in left tree navigation and in right toolbar
In some cases the scroll bars were not available in the left navigation and the right toolbox panel. This has ben fixed.
Execute script action doesn't work properly
The "Execute Script" action didn't work when used the first time after clearing the browser cache. Also the "Function code" option should have been selected by default in the Expression builder and the entered script was not shown correctly in the Action Builder. All these issues have been solved.
Page hangs if create dossier with list from "Other lists&libraries" with changed layout
When trying to create a dossier using a list that had the layout changed, the page in solution studio would hang. This has been fixed.
Action Links: Execute script action doesn't work properly after editing
After editing the script of an "Execute Script" action for Action Links the script text was cut off at the beginning. This has been corrected