New features & improvements
Expression placeholder method to retrieve custom user profile property
If you have custom profile properties and need to use them in expressions, we've now got you covered. In all Rich Forms and Action Links expressions you can now use the placeholder [[@User.GetCustomProfileProperty(<PropertyName>)]] where <PropertyName> is the name of your custom property.
Improved user experience during enabling scripting capabilities
Custom scripts are enabled automatically on your SharePoint sites by Solution Studio when needed. We now show a more informative message on how to configure it manually.
Bugs fixed
Publish: Handle case when creating Managed Metadata column with your own termset and publish to another tenant
An error occurred when publishing to a site on another tenant where the termset of a used managed metadata (taxonomy) column was missing. We will now just give a warning and not set the term set, but publishing will complete.
RF: When clearing expression assigned to some field in Add List Item Action, execution fails for DateTime
When trying to clear a previously set expression to a DateTime field in the Add List Item Action an error occured. This has been fixed.
Action Type field is not required in Action Builder
The action type is now mandatory when configuring Actions in action Builder.
Action links dossier css is overriding theme designer css
When trying to configure styling for Action Links using skybow Theme Designer these would not work, because the default styling provided for a dossier was overriding it. This has been corrected.
Navigation is not packaged correctly (items/order)
The quick link navigation nodes would not be correctly set in the target site. These should now deploy correctly on publishing.
Can't edit Title or Description for package with lower version
When trying to change the title or description of a package that had a lower version than another existing package, an error would occur. You can now always change title and description of packages.
Package & Publish: After sharing a solution to a colleague he does not see the already published packages
When opening a solution that was shared no published packages would be shown. This is now working.
RF: Email for a user field could not be retrieved in expressions
The Email would not be available in placeholders for user fields in expressions. You can now retrieve the Email correctly.