New features & improvements
Payment & Subscription Service - License Wizard - Customer Journey
Licensing Wizard with the following steps is added:
License info -> License owner -> Invoice account > Payment Method (Credit Card) -> Summary
Payment & Subscription Service - Edit Payment and Contact info
Added possibility to manage multiple payment and contact information from the Paymentinformation page.
Payment : disable save of license with 0 users
Payment: Move Delete and Rollback buttons in Solution Licensing dialog
Bugs fixed
DoŃument Generator: spaces inserted before and after each placeholder
Sublist gridview does not work on a form in combination with a sublibrary
Fixed issue with displaying sublist gridview with combination with a sublibrary on the same form.
Action Link: Update List Item action throws error
Fixed issue when you have update list item action in tasks list and have error trying to update list
Action Links > clicking several times on action causes hanging or errors (even double click)
CodeMirror editor is not shown for execute script action
Fixed issue when you have two execute script actions in the same action and for second one it is not shown
Action builder > Execute Script action > Expression Builder > spaces are added to expression after saving and reopening
Action Type field is not required in RF action builder
All action types are required in RF action builder
Http Request headers are not saved in Action Builder after reopening
Actions in AL are broken if change title of target list
Field description of people picker is shown twice in Rich Forms