New features & improvements
Support of Promoted Links List Type
Promoted Links List Type can be added to other Lists & Libraries in Solution Studio.
Document Generator: Expression support for query
Additional option in drop-down and Expression Builder are available in Query Editor for filtering multiple items with skybow expressions.
History logs for API and Add-in Deployments
Version logs are added for API and Add-in Deployments. They are displayed on the right toolbox.
Bugs fixed
Fixed saving list form with attachments
Was reproduced in case of adding attachment on edit form.
Fixed usage of regional settings for Date field placeholders
[[DateField]] placeholder returned string instead of object when german regional settings was used . Fixed setting hours and minutes for Date Time fields.
Fixed form hanging in case of configured lookup filtering with taxonomy field in the source list
Was reproduced before expressions evaluation on new and edit forms.
Fixed issue: OneDrive synchronisation is not working when Metadata inheritance is used in document library
Was reproduced in case of adding large size file.
Improved handling of calculations with decimal numbers in background accelerators
Fixed issues on non-English sites.