New features & Improvements
License permission sharing
Solution sharing functionality extended with the Licensing permission. A user with such permission is allowed to add or modify a license and use own license and payment accounts.
Added package creation date to the package infos
Bugs fixes and improvements
Document Generation: fixed items sorting when there are order conditions in the list view and in the CAML query
Order conditions are merged. Query condition is more prior than view condition.
CAML query should be started with '<Query>' if '<OrderBy>' is used.
[[loop Activity view('Timesheet') query('<Query><Where><BeginsWith><FieldRef Name="Title" /><Value Type="Text">[[{return [[Title]];}]]</Value></BeginsWith></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name="text1" Ascending="TRUE" /></OrderBy></Query>')]]
[[Title]] - [[Week]]
[[end loop]]
Rich Forms: fixed rendering of sublibrary view in Solution Studio