Bug fixes & improvements
Modern Forms
Version 1.0.56
- allowed using of own list as a sublist without possibility to "Use as sub item"
- fixed form disabling in case of configured Show Message form load action (pre and after) and two webparts of the same sublist
- fixed automatic update for list view grouped by lookup after closing the form panel
Document Generator
Version 1.0.56
- Support of Max/Min width and height for images. Instead of static width/height, images are resized proportionally according to configured values
The following format is supported:
[[image ([[Picture]], width, height, maxwidth, maxheight, minwidth, minheight)]]
Width/height parameter is not mandatory, can be string empty '' or null. For ex, [[image ([[Picture]], '', '', 100, 300)]]
Examples of usage:
[[image ([[Picture]], maxwidth=100, maxheight=300)]]
[[image (url=[[Picture]], maxwidth=100, maxheight=300)]]