New features
Modern Forms: new action type Redirect To Tab
Version 1.0.61
Redirects to the selected (sub)tab. Can be used on any place on a form: in Command Bar and Form Load actions or on a button click
Modern Forms: dynamic Tab Name text
Tab Name text can be used for configuring dynamically changed tab names, e.g: „Open tasks (2)“ -> that is automatically updated when a new item is added.
This expression type is executed after Initial expressions and after corresponding changes on a form.
Bug fixes & improvements
Modern Forms
Version 1.0.61
- Improved validation errors logic: tab or field with an error is focused on a form save
- Support Multiple lines of text with Append Changes to Existing Text option
- New Modern Editor for Multiple lines of text: Enhanced rich text (Rich text with pictures, tables, and hyperlinks)
Document Generation
Version 1.0.61
- Implemented possibility to create folder automatically if it's not existing when saving file to (sub)library
CAML Builder
- Fixed value property for Number fields: Value Type is set as Number, not as Text. Implemented for all client- and server-side usages
<View><Query><OrderBy /><Where><Lt><FieldRef Name="Total" SBUniqueName="Total" /><Value Type="Number" ProviderType="Value">200</Value></Lt></Where></Query></View>