Bug fixes & improvements
Solution Studio
- Added "Show in site navigation" option and "List address" field on creating a new list
- Added Column internal name field on creating a new column, Cross-site lookup
Modern Forms
Version 1.0.93
- Implemented save conflict handling on the item Edit form
Note: on Edit/Display forms changes of item values made by other users are detected automatically
- Implemented error handling for list component in case user doesn't have Read permission for this list
- Extended Cross-site lookup field configuration
List Actions
Version 1.0.93
- Fixed actions rendering on view after redirect from the page in the left navigation
Package & Publish
- Support "SearchBoxInNavBar" and "SearchScope" site settings
Background Actions (Scheduled Actions & Triggered Actions)
- Improved performance of expressions evaluation
- Extend HTTP Request Action to allow REST API calls to the current web
For example, this action adds contribute permission
The following need to be specified:
- Url: e.g. [[@Web.Url]]/_api/lists/getByTitle('List1')/items([[ID]])/roleassignments/addroleassignment(principalid='[[Author.Id]]',roleDefId=1073741827)
- Request Type: POST
- Headers:
- Key: Accept
- Value: application/json;odata=nometadata
Note: Expression for Data property should return a string. In order to use JSON object, wrap it to JSON.stringify() function:
"Status": "Completed"