Bug fixes & improvements
Modern Forms
Version 1.3.7
- Supported Column/View formatting (JSON formatting) from SharePoint. Here are examples how to configure:
Known not supported features:
- Column/View formatting on New/Edit form if list is used as sub item.
- Board & Calendar view
- InlineEditField list formatting
- customRowAction: share, openContextMenu, executeFlow
- New features/improvements of sublist/sublibraries:
- Supported grouped view in sublist/sublibrary*
- Supported of List view footer*
- Supported Tiles view in the document library*
- Supported drag'n'drop files/folders inside sublist/sublibrary
Note: Drag'n'drop of folders is disabled on New/Edit form if list/library is used as sub item
- Added 'New' indicator to the newly added items
- Implemented autosizing for the sublist/sublibrary on the form
- Allowed configuring default actions to the list with possibility to re-order, rename actions and configure visible/enabled expressions
- Added [Configured List Actions] button to the List configurations. Now it is possible to configure List Actions from List configuration.*
Note: Option to Move [Configured List Actions] allows to re-order all List Actions at the time
* Mentioned features are not supported on New/Edit form if list/library is used as sub item
- Added Swedish translation
- Fixed calculation of Date fields through lookup
List Actions
Version 1.3.7
- Fixed 'Reload' action execution on grouped modern list view
1 comment
Great features regarding column formatting in sub lists. CONGRAT! ;-)
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