Version Number:
Release Date: 08.02.2023
skybow Modern Forms - Getting started
Bug fixes & improvements
- Fixed opening .docx file for the case if 'Show all items without folders' option is enabled on the view
- Improved behavior of the Choice field with multiple selections to show more than one custom choice
- Fixed wrong encoding of special symbols in Multiple line of text (Plain text) field
- Supported 'On any site' list reference to be server-relative URL for Get items, Add item, etc. actions
- Fixed CAML builder for Data Lookup
- Fixed JSON formatting for native SharePoint Calculated column in the sublist component
- Supported placeholders evaluation in the Rich Text control
- Added placeholder [[@Functions.GetFileContent('file path', false)]] to Context->Functions. Parameter true/false allows you to evaluate placeholders inside the file.
(i.e [[@Functions.GetFileContent('[[@Web.Url]]/Shared%20Documents/EmailTemplate.js', true)]]) - Added new Dynamic file path option to 'Execute script' action which allows to specify expression based path to the file from current tenant
- Added HtmlTable output parameter to an action 'Get items'. It can be used in the Body of 'Send email' action
- Fixed 'is empty/is not empty‘ operator in CAML filter of lookup field and sublist control
- Fixed LoginName placeholder evaluation for the Person field after value changes in a field (e.g. Calculated Expresisons).
- Added PeoplePicker inputs to "To" and "CC" fields to 'Send email' action if 'Show before send' option is enabled (SharePoint online)
- Fixed alternative row style for sublist component
- Extend the uploading/moving files in the document library with the 'Keep both' option.