Version Number:
Release Date: 20.07.2023
skybow Modern Forms - Getting started
Bug fixes & improvements
- Added new action Refresh Rich Text controls to action builder
- Fixed CAML filter for Yes/No column
- Fixed crashing forms when typing in the input of the Date field
- Improved opening date picker for mobile devices
- Fixed forms scrolling for iOS mobile devices
- Improved image placeholder execution in 'Generate document' action
- Fixed activating the first visible tab in case the previously selected tab is hidden
- Fixed loading forms in case the field is hidden in the content type
- Fixed opening customized forms from quick links on Modern pages.
- Added '?SBForceLoad=1' query string parameter for quick links on modern pages in order to force reload the browser window
- Improved validation for attachments with the '#' symbol in the file name
- Fixed icon rendering
- Fixed icons rendering in Multiple line of text column (SP2019 Modern Forms add-in)