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Item Update after Update Item-Action in Triggered Action-Workflow



  • skybow Support

    Hi Christoph,

    We discussed the technical possibility of this request internally. It is technical possible to support this and is added to our backlog. But it has not reached yet the priority to implement due to its effort. We will let you know here as soon it will be implemented.

    Kind regards

    skybow Support

  • Christof

    Hi Christoph

    It's not possible to trigger a Triggered Action by another Triggered Actions by updating the same item with an Update item Action due to the logic issue of a never ending update loop.

    But you can configure multiple Triggered Actions in parallel (instead of triggering one by another) with some similar logic on the conditions to perform Actions for same cases as in the other Triggered Action.

  • Christoph Käferböck

    Hi Christof,


    thanks for your reply.

    I wouldn't update the item of the triggered action itself within the triggered action but an item within an other list. There is in my opinion not more risk of loops as in all other work-cases. I would for sure also  protect the triggered action with conditions which just allow updates in very specific cirumstances, not in every case.


    Your suggest isn't suitable for me as the triggered action triggered by the actual triggered action would be in an other list. 

    Would be happy if this would be a new feature in future skybow-updates.


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