Update calculated data in sublist and main list
Hi there,
In the edit form I have integrated a sublist with a lookup connection to the main list. The user has to enter some data into the sublist.
Now I have 2 problems with slow reactions of the (sub)list:
1. Inside the sublist there is a column where the data from other columns is calculated (simple if... then add value in column x to value in column y). After the user has entered the data, it takes a while for the calculated data to appear in the calculation column.
2. in the main list and in the edit form I have a simple text column, for which I use the "calculated" field in the "Expressions configuration". Here I use [[@SubLists.Name_of_SubList.Name_of_column.Sum]] to get the sum of a column. This also takes a while to get the data here.
Is there any way to force the sublist and the main list to update immediately after the user adds the data? For the fast users it seems as if the lists are broken.
Hello Jennifer,
did you calculate the values in sublist with calculation of field? The calculation in field over Things in background -> settings of field -> Values -> f. e. fx Expression indeed take a while because it triggers async. You can make your calculation within the new/edit form immediately or on Save-Button-Actions (calculate, set field, save). Possibly this solves the sum problem also.
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