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CAML Filter Library



  • Matthias_Walter

    Dear David Prudant,

    thanks for reaching out to us.

    How did you configure the sublibrary on the form? can you please send a screenshot of this configuration?

    Is your sublibrary view configured to show items using folders and do you have "Use as sub item" activated?

    Kind regards

  • David Prudant

    Hello Matthias,

    No, my library isn't set up as you describe because I couldn't define the exact location where my files would be stored.

    Each time I tried, the file was stored at the root of the library, whereas I want it to be stored in specific folders.
    So I used the "Creat folder" action, which gave me the following path:


    the other method only allowed me to create a root folder named FY_SOCIETE_OF_4512_HP.

    I should also point out that the FY and SOCIETE fields are empty when the file is added, and that I use an action to create the correctly named folder when they are filled in.

    You'll find a screenshot below.

    I confess I'm not very comfortable with this, as I'm just starting out...

    Subsidiary question: Is it possible to use an automatic action to create a sub-item in a specific folder (to replace the Creat folder action)?

    Best regards,


  • Matthias_Walter

    Hi David Prudant,

    I'm not sure if I get your scenario correctly. I guess the easiest would be to do a quick support session. Let's check if your company has a support agreement.

    Please contact us at to proceed there.

    Kind regards

  • David Prudant

    Hello Matthias,

    Okay, thanks, I'll do that.

    Best regards,



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