CAML Filter Library
I'm having problems displaying files stored in a SharePoint document library in a list form.
I have an action which, when a file is created in my library, creates a list item.
The ID of this list item is then stored in a column of my library (named IDLIST) so that I can perform some actions on my file from my list.
So far I've had no problems, and I can easily interact with my file from my list to rename it, move it etc...
My problem is that I now want to display a view of my library directly in my list form.
Of course, I only want to display files that contain the ID of my list item in the specific column.
So I inserted my library in my form, configured CAML Filter and here's the result:
The file having been found, I assumed that everything was in order, but here's the result:
Do you have any idea what went wrong?
My file is not at the root of my library. The path is as follows: FY/SOCIETE/OF_4512_HP/NAME.pdf
You may be wondering why I don't use sub items.
I haven't done so for reasons of folder naming and access path when I move my file.
It's certainly better this way, but I couldn't configure what I wanted.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Dear David Prudant,
thanks for reaching out to us.
How did you configure the sublibrary on the form? can you please send a screenshot of this configuration?
Is your sublibrary view configured to show items using folders and do you have "Use as sub item" activated?
Kind regards
Matthias0 -
Hello Matthias,
No, my library isn't set up as you describe because I couldn't define the exact location where my files would be stored.
Each time I tried, the file was stored at the root of the library, whereas I want it to be stored in specific folders.
So I used the "Creat folder" action, which gave me the following path:FY/SOCIETE/OF_4512_HP/NAME.pdf
the other method only allowed me to create a root folder named FY_SOCIETE_OF_4512_HP.
I should also point out that the FY and SOCIETE fields are empty when the file is added, and that I use an action to create the correctly named folder when they are filled in.
You'll find a screenshot below.
I confess I'm not very comfortable with this, as I'm just starting out...
Subsidiary question: Is it possible to use an automatic action to create a sub-item in a specific folder (to replace the Creat folder action)?
Best regards,
0 -
Hi David Prudant,
I'm not sure if I get your scenario correctly. I guess the easiest would be to do a quick support session. Let's check if your company has a support agreement.
Please contact us at to proceed there.
Kind regards
Matthias0 -
Hello Matthias,
Okay, thanks, I'll do that.
Best regards,
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