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how to fix size of multiple line text field (enhanced rich text)




  • Matthias_Walter

    Hi Andrew Kirby,

    you could use a rich text field and just add your text field as expression like this:

    BR Matthias

  • Andrew Kirby

    Great! That would work!
    Follow up question- I want to pull the table from an html table in another list, but when I use "get items" I lose the table format information- all the text within the table is there, but no lines. Does get items lose the formatting on the way? 

  • Andrew Kirby

    Actually- have found that I get a beautiful table, until I save..

    But then when I save and reopen it always looks like this:
    Which is harder to read. What is going on?

  • Matthias_Walter

    Hi Andrew Kirby,

    unfortunately I cannot reproduce this. How is your configuration? Can you please send some screenshots of you actions and how you configured the field where you store the table? If I get items using the "Get Items" action and store the HTML Table output in a multi line text field on a new or editform as in the figure below, then the table lines stay there after saving..

    BR Matthias

  • Andrew Kirby

    Thanks Matthias,

    It was a gremlin in how I was making the tables, it seemed that sharepoint was OK displaying it but didn't like it when saved. I eventually changed it and then worked fine.


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