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Doc Gen - if-loop help


1 comment

  • Christof

    There are some helping placeholders inside the loop control like [[@Loop.CurrentIndex]]; [[@Loop.Count]] you can use to check current iteration and check if current iteration index+1 is lower or equal than your [[InspectionNumber]]...
    But an optimal configuration for your case would be to have Inspections is a sublist of Projects-"Dossier" from where you start the Doc Gen Action.
    In that case you start the Doc Gen in Context of the Project and loop over all related Inspections (no handling of amount of inspections needed - but inspection items must be created already at this time). Your template structure could look like this then (abstract):
    [[loop NameOfYourInspectionList]]
        -- pagebreak --
        -- Your Inspection Table with [[PlaceholdersFromSingleInspection]] --
    [[end loop]]


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