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Explaination of an action in Onboarding solution: Script window.loadTasksTab = true




  • Christof

    Hi Dale

    "loadTasksTab" is a self defined name of a window variable.

    We get it on the display form of the Recruitment Tracker list in a Form Load Action:

    The effect you have already explained correctly: It will open directly the tab when the form is loaded an this window variable is set.

  • Dale Zach

    So, in the Recruitment Tracker Display - After-Form load that you show, is that condition simply used as a way to self-define that state to be used later? I suppose that you would just need to know to use the "window." prefix?

    I see that it then does a 'delete window.loadTasksTab'. Apparently, that doesn't get rid of the definition, so wondering the purpose of this.

    Thanks so much for the explanation.


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