Formatting time chooser
AnsweredOriginal Post by Mikey (Imported from Ardevia Forum)
I would like to format date and time field so that for hours user can choose only 08-16 and for minutes 00, 15, 30 or 45. Is that possible?
Original Post by Andrii Berezovskyi (Imported from Ardevia Forum)
Hello Mikey
This behaviour is possible.
I create script for this and prepare small demo how to use it.Demo:
/* YOU CAN MODIFY INPUT VALUES FOR YOUR NEEDS --------------------------------------------------------- [DateTimeFieldName]- IS NAME OF YOUR DATE TIME FIELD, DO NOT RENAME YOUR DATETIME FIELD NAME ON FORM AFTER CREATING. IF YOU WANT RENAME DATETIME FIELD PLEASE FOLOW NEXT STEPS: 1.DELETE DATETIME FIELD WITH OLD NAME AND CREATE NEW WITH NEW NAME INSTEAD. 2.CREATE ACTION IN RibbonMenu: Behaviour[tab] -> FormLoadActions [section] -> Edit -> [ActionBuilerDialog opened] Add Action -> select Type Execute Script from dropdown menu -> Insert this script -> Modify Inputs -> Change Title for this Action -> Save [fromHour] - HOUR VALUE WICH WILL BE FIRST IN DROPDOWN MENU [toHour] - HOUR VALUE WICH WILL BE LAST IN DROPDOWN MENU [minutesList] - MINUTES OPTIONS WICH WILL BE IN DROPDOWN MENU */ // INPUT VALUES [ YOU CAN MODIFY THIS VALUES ] var DateTimeFieldName = 'DateTime_fld1'; var fromHour = 8; var toHour = 16; var minutesList = '00,15,30,45' // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DO NOT MODIFY CODE BELOW var DateTimeElement = jQuery(".ms-formbody[fieldname="+DateTimeFieldName+"]"); if(DateTimeElement.length === 0){ alert('Field with this ['+DateTimeFieldName+'] name dose not exsist. Please modify your DateTimeLimit script.' ); }else{ // Hours filter var _fromHour = parseInt(fromHour); var _toHour = parseInt(toHour); if(_fromHour === NaN || _toHour === NaN || _fromHour < 0 || _toHour > 24){ alert('Please specify fromHour and toHour correctly.fromHour,toHour must be numbers from 0 to 24. Please modify your DateTimeLimit script.'); }else{ DateTimeElement.find("select[id$='DateTimeFieldDateHours'] option").each(function() { var $this = $(this); var optionValue = parseInt($this.val()); if ( optionValue < _fromHour || optionValue > _toHour ) { $this.remove(); } }); } // Minutes filter var _minuteList = minutesList.split(','); if(_minuteList.length === 0){ alert('Please specify minutesList correctly.Minutes list must has next format \x22 00,15,30,45 \x22 or \x22 00,05, ... ,55\x22. Please modify your DateTimeLimit script.'); }else{ DateTimeElement.find("select[id$='DateTimeFieldDateMinutes'] option").each(function() { var $this = $(this); var IsMinuteOptionNeedRemove = jQuery.inArray($this.val(), _minuteList) == -1; if(IsMinuteOptionNeedRemove){ $this.remove(); } }); } }
Thanks for your time
Ardevia support0 -
Very nice solution,
but is it possible to set minute from 1 to 59 with step 1 (and not 5 as default)?
0 -
Hi Tadej Cajner,
you could add the missing minute options with the following script:
var DateTimeFieldName = 'DateWithTime';
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var DateTimeElement = jQuery(".ms-formbody[fieldname="+DateTimeFieldName+"]");
if(DateTimeElement.length === 0){
alert('Field with this ['+DateTimeFieldName+'] name dose not exsist. Please modify your DateTimeLimit script.' );
// extend Minutes
var minutesControl = DateTimeElement.find("select[id$='DateTimeFieldDateMinutes']");
minutesControl.find("option").each(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.value = i;
option.text = pad(i,2);
minutesControl[0].add(option, null);
function pad(num, size) {
var s = num+"";
while (s.length < size) s = "0" + s;
return s;
0 -
Thank you Matthias, it works.
Best Regards,
0 -
Hi Matthias_Walter, is this still relevant, please? I'm trying to modify this script to show only time values with 00, but my result is "[DateToDraw] name dose not exsist. Please modify your DateTimeLimit script."
Thank you for the advice
0 -
Hi Samuel Paska,
using skybow Modern Forms you can add a pre-form load action to register CSS that hides the 30min time values:
jQuery('head').append(`<style type='text/css'>
#ComboBox38-list button:nth-child(2n){
</style>`);To figure out the correct combobox id, you can open the form in the browser, click on the time dropdown and then right-click -> inspect on one of the time values
Kind regards
Matthias0 -
Hi Matthias, Thank you for the advice. But I modified your solution a little bit, because i think that this is harder to implement when you publishing this solution to a client site. I execute this script in Pre-Form Load action and after closing the form i change "display: none" to "display: block" via another script.
jQuery('head').append(`<style type='text/css'>
.ms-ComboBox-optionsContainer button:nth-child(2n){
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