Generate document with List Action (multiple items selected)
I have a document library "Drawings" (configured as Dossier) and a List Action on the default view of the library. The List Action is configured to be visible when multiple items are selected (Action Visibility / Execution Context = Selected items).
When configuring the actions using the Action Builder, how do I know which items are selected? How can I use the selected ID's or filenames or whatever in the expressions in the actions?
More specifically I want to generate a document that loops through the selected documents and for every document shows some metadata, sublist data and, if possible, sub-sublist data.
Can this be done?
Any update on this?
Sven0 -
Hi svenderuyter
I've checked the full use case of generating one single document basing on dynamic selected items on list view (without any saved relations to a higher-level list).
The Document Generator action itself is supporting dynamic query (Expression supported) to get relevant items dynamically.
But unfortunately there are some missing parts in functionality for this case:- Missing possibility to get the currently selected items from a Modern list view - even not possible by custom code inside Expressions how it was possible in Classic list views -> a missing functionality which needs to be implemented in Expressions to make this possible
- List Action buttons in Context of Current list becomes hidden as soon items are selected -> change in List Actions logic needed (smaller adjustment)
Generate Document action supports dynamic query
List Actions running in Context of Current list
Feel free to request this feature officially in our ideas section of skybow community portal
Additionally you'll get contacted by me/us to discuss this topic in detail0
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