skybow offers the possibility to add additional Automation Actions to your SharePoint Forms. These can be executed by clicking on a button in the command bar or a form button or when loading the form.
Only one automation action can be executed at a time or a series of actions can be executed one after the other with just one click. Loops are also possible. You have the possibility to configure the Automation Actions in the skybow Action Builder according to your wishes.
Here you will find an overview of the most frequently used automation actions:
Condition | This enables you to set a condition for when an action or a series of actions can take place. The condition control evaluates to ‘If Yes’ and ‘If No’. If Approved does evaluate to ‘Yes’, actions in the ‘If Yes’ block will run. If the condition evaluates to ‘False’, the ‘If No’ block will run. |
Loop | The control allows you to perform an action on multiple list items. An example expression would be: =[[@Actions.Get_items.Items]]. The iterating array would work through all items and allow an action to run against each item in the array. |
Execute Script | The action enables you to write JavaScript code as an Automation Action. This gives you the opportunity to implement absolutely individual requirements in addition to the available actions. |
Close Form | The action will close your current form. It's usually helpful to have ‘Save Form’ preceding a "Close Form". |
Redirect to tab | This enables a tab on the form to open. For example, if you have an "Approve" Button, you could be redirected to the "Approval" Tab. |
Save Form | The action will save the current item as a list item. |
Set field value | This allows you to set a field’s value on the current form – e.g. setting the "Approved" field to ‘Yes’ when the "Approve" button is clicked. |
Send HTTP Request | Enables GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, JSONP request types to be made. This allows information to be retrieved from numerous other software tools if they offer an API. Unlike the Power Platform, this action is included in the price and is not a Premium Connector. |
Open Form | This action will open a specified form. You will have to specify the list and the form to open. |
Open Web Page | Opens any resource by a dynamically generated URL in a new browser window/tab or in the current window. |
Reload | Reloads (refreshes) the current form. |
Send email |
This will enable you to dynamically generate an email using fields such as To, CC, BCC, Subject, and Body. The Body can be defined using Rich Text. Attachments, Fallback email, Show before send, and Save to sent items are refinements of this action. NOTE: This action requires the approval of the Microsoft Graph API permission called Mail.Send. |
Show a message | Shows a notification message to the user completing the form.The message can be configured to display for a period in seconds. |
Add list item | Enables you to dynamically create a list item in another list. This is ideal for tracking history of changes to your form. |
Copy document | Dynamically copy a document from one library to another in either the current site, another site (named), or another site dynamically set. |
Create new folder | Creates a new folder dynamically in a specified SharePoint library. |
Delete item | Deletes an item from a list or library dynamically, based on the ID. |
Get items | Gets items from a SharePoint list or library so you can use them in, for example, a loop control. |
Move document | Moves a single document from a source library to a target library/folder. |
Start Workflow | Starts a new SharePoint workflow instance. |
Update Item | Can be used to update one or more fields with a calculated expression. |
Upload Document | Allows you to upload a document to a specified library. |
Generate Document | Allows you to generate Microsoft Word documents from a SharePoint list item. |
Set variable | Set a variable value that can be referenced in other actions. |
Didn't find the automation action you were looking for?
Here you will find a list of all Automation Actions available in the skybow Action Builder. This list is always up to date. You will also find detailed information about the skybow Action Builder.
Command Bar Actions
You can place individual Automation Actions not only on the form itself. Actions can also be configured in the command bar of your form.
We show you how this works here. We will create a sample action that submits a new application for an open position for approval:
- Click "Actions" on the command bar within your desired form.
- Choose "Command Bar".
- Click on the "+" button below the existing buttons in the command bar.
- Provide a Name and select an icon for the button.
- Optionally configure a Visible Expression or Enabled Expression. An example of a useful expression is: [[@User.IsMemberOfGroup(‘HR’)]]. This expression will mean that the button is only visible to the HR team.
- Click "Configure Actions".
You are now in the skybow Action Builder. Here you need to drag the following Automation Actions in order:
- Save Form
- Send internal email
- Show a message
- Close Form
Form Load Actions
As well as building action buttons on the form or in the command bar, Automation Actions can be created against form load events. Common form load actions include setting values in fields, running a script, or directing the focus to a specific tab. Again, these actions can be conditional.
The form load events include pre-form Load and after-form Load:
Pre-Form Load
Actions defined in the pre-form load will fire before the form itself is rendered. This is an ideal time to use the action builder to define variables, or to execute custom script that is required.
After-Form Load
Actions defined in the after-form load run immediately after the form is rendered and the controls on the form are all visible. This is an ideal time to use "Redirect to Tab", or to set values within fields.
In order to configure form load actions you need to click on the "Actions" button in the skybow command bar. Select "Form Load".
Now you can define pre-form load and after-form load actions for your SharePoint form.