New features
New Action & Expression Builder release 🎉
New Action Builder and Expression Builder with more features are designed to replace the old one. They are available in Modern Forms, List Actions, Scheduled and Triggered actions.
Note: new Action & Expression builders will replace the old ones and are backward compatible.
Update your solution to version 1.1.0 to get them in Modern Forms and List Actions. In Scheduled and Triggered Actions they are automatically available.
You will have more possibilities to extend your solutions with the new Action Builder such as:
- New Actions and controls:
- Condition
- Loop: apply to each
- Set variable
- Move document
- Get items
- Variables
- Action outputs
- Copy an action or control
- Disable a specific action an much more
In the new Expression Builder:
- IntelliSense & Expression code editor
- Access output from previous actions
- Access variables
- Search placeholders
For more information about new Action Builder and Expression Builder read Action Builder introduction and Expression Builder introduction articles.
Note: new Action & Expression builders will not work in Internet Explorer. Please use modern browsers like Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Brave.
Bug fixes & improvements
Modern Forms
Version 1.1.0
- Fixed saving library documents metadata on dossier New form
- Display New button in sublist control if items selected
- Fixed Date field picker to use first day value of the week from regional settings
List Actions
Version 1.1.0
- Added new placeholder [[@SelectedItems]] in 'Current list' execution context
Background Actions (Scheduled Actions & Triggered Actions)
- Added 'System update' option to 'Update item' action