关于Save Conflict
你好,大佬们,我这边使用skybow做了一个审批项目,在同一个节点时,可能会有多人点击proceed按钮来对同一条数据进行审批.假设两个人,如果同一时间点击proceed之后做save操作时,只有一个人审批成功,另外一个人会暴露Save Conflict错误;有没有组件可以对该条数据实现乐观锁/悲观锁,或者其他方案避免同时(1s内)多人对一条数据处理呢;
Dear Asisuper King,
this is an expected SharePoint behaviour and we don't have another solution for that. Without the save conflict, users could overwrite values from others which would be even worse.
We do have a functionality that detects changes from others in the background if you have a form open. It will show you a warning message on the top of the form that it has changed and you have to reload it.
https://my.skybow.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021839320-Solution-Studio-Update-21-05-2021#:~:text=Modern%20Forms,Version%201.0.93Kind regards
skybow Support
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Thank you for your reply. I would like to ask for some advice. I was wondering whether I could simulate a lock through js and whether it could be prevented. Will this affect the skybow component.
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