Automation Actions
Action Builder introduction
Table of contents Available actions Variables Action outputs Copy an action or control Disable a specific action Add a condition Execute asynchronously Export/Import actio...
How to send message in Adaptive Card format in Microsoft Teams with skybow 'Send Message' action
Actionable messages designed using the Adaptive Card format enable you to extend the functionality of sending actionable messages in Microsoft Teams, allowing recipients to...
Automize your workflows in SharePoint with skybow Triggered & Scheduled Actions
How to send a link by email with Send Mail action
As we can write HTML in emails, we're able to send links that brings receiver with one click to a specifc page in our solution - for example a form. How to configure<a href...
How to use 'Send email' action with Actionable Messages
Table of contents What are Actionable Messages Configuration of 'Send email' action with the Adaptive Card Configuration of the Actions in the Adaptive Card with Power Aut...
Starting a Microsoft Flow from skybow Actions
Table of contents Create a Microsoft Flow Configure the skybow Start Power Automate Flow Result Summary Microsoft Flow provides many features and integration opt...
How to add a confirm message to your action execution?
You have some actions to execute on a user click, but you don't want to execute them right away (e.g. for an approval), because you clicked by mistake. Then you can add the...
How to fix CORS error in Send HTTP request action
In Send HTTP request action you can send cross-domain requests. In this case you may receive an error 'Failed to execute action "Send HTTP request": failed to request url' ...
How to get email addresses from SharePoint group members
With actions configuration below you can get user email addresses from the SharePoint group and send to all members. You can use this configuration in Modern Forms, List Ac...
How to execute an asynchronous function in skybow actions or any other expression configuration?
DescriptionIf you need to wait for callbacks in skybow actions or other expression configurations before processing further, it's recommended using jQuery.Deferred() object...
How to use the Microsoft Word Conversion Service to generate a PDF
If you want to generate a PDF document without an extension you can use the Word conversion service from Office WebApps. You might know the SharePoint document library pos...