New features
Selective Deployment for App deployment
Selective deployment is available on creating or updating skybow App deployment service on the Deployments tab.
Bug fixes & improvements
Modern Forms
Version 1.3.74
- Added ability to search lists by its name to select in Action Builder (e.g., Add list item, Update item, Set variable, etc.)
- Fixed evaluation of [[@User.IsMemberOfAADGroup('..')]] placeholder and Send email action execution for the display form opened from a lookup link on native SharePoint list view
- Improved saving items when form contains asynchronous validation/required expressions
- Added Title field in Update item action for Folder content types, etc.
- Fixed dynamically setting values for the lookup field
- Fixed Create shared link action by skipping deactivated users
Note: It is required to approve API access request with 'User.Read.All' permissions in SharePoint admin center
Background Actions (Scheduled & Triggered actions)
- Added Profile picture property to Create team and Update team actions
- Added the following outputs to Get team action: Channels, TeamEmail and TeamEmailAliases
- Added the following outputs to Get channel action: ChannelFolderName, ChannelFolderAbsoluteUrl and ChannelFolderRelativeUrl
- Enhanced the Urls to attachments property for Create task and Update task actions by supporting Display name and Show on card options
- Fixed rendering list controls with hidden views on the target sites
- Supported provisioning of folder colors for the SharePoint libraries