Using standard JavaScript Date.parse() method with JavaScript does not really work with SharePoint fields, since it does not take in account the locales of the SharePoint site.
In order to do that properly from skybow Solution Studio (regardless if Rich Forms or Action Links), the easiest is to use moment.js JS library.
// load the moment.js library
var url = "";
var fileName = "momentjs";
var moduleCache = window.module;
var defineCache = window.define;
window.module = undefined;
window.define = undefined;
window.SP.SOD.registerSod(fileName, url);
window.LoadSodByKey(fileName, null, true);
window.module = moduleCache;
window.define = defineCache;
//parse date by moment.js and get an integer representation
var dateInt = Date.parse(moment([[datefield]]));
//create a date object out of it
var dateObject = new Date(dateInt);