
  • Action: Open form

    Open form action allows opening the New, Edit or Display form dynamically in a panel or a new window. For more information about Action Builder read Action Builder introduc...

  • Action: Save form

    Action type Save form saves all modifications in the list item new/edit form. The standard field validation and required check is triggered when executing this action. This...

  • Action: Close form

    The action type Close form closes the current item form opened in the panel. In case the form is opened in a separate tab, the action Close form will redirect to the curren...

  • Action: Set field value

    The Set field value action sets the value dynamically of a specified field.  For more information about Action Builder read Action Builder introduction article. This action...

  • Action: Redirect to tab

    Redirect to tab action allows to redirect to a specific tab on the current form.  For more information about Action Builder read Action Builder introduction article. To con...

  • Action: Refresh Rich Text controls

    Action type Refresh Rich Text controls reloads the Rich Text control and refreshes its context. This action type does not require any additional properties. For more inform...