Open form action allows opening the New, Edit or Display form dynamically in a panel or a new window.
For more information about Action Builder read Action Builder introduction article.
When action type Open form is selected, the following additional properties should be specified:
Property | Required | Type | Description |
List or library | yes | Choice |
The list or library where the form is located. It is possible to select the list or library from current site. |
Form | yes | Choice | Drop-down list with form types: New, Edit or Display.* * if Library is selected in the List field, only the Edit and Display options are available. |
List Item Id | yes | Integer | ID or expression to be evaluated as ID of an item if a Display or Edit form is selected. |
Open In | yes | Choice |
Provides options for choosing how a form should be opened. There are two options available:
Panel width | yes | Choice | Drop down list shows all possible panel size you can choose: Small, Medium, Large, Full Screen |
Query String | no | String |
Allows adding further text to query string (the question mark "?" or ampersand "&" does not need to be typed at the beginning). |
Modern Forms | List Actions | Scheduled/Triggered Actions |
✓ | ✓ | - |
Example of Open form action configuration
Output for this action is not available