We have implemented a simple process to help you migrate all your created configurations from Modern Forms and Automation Actions to Solution Studio. This article will guide you through the steps required to complete the migration successfully.
- If you are new to Solution Studio you need to create a user account. Visit https://solutions.skybow.com/ to register an account.
- You need to have tenant administrator account to approve your tenant.
Migration Steps
Follow these steps to migrate your lists and pages from the standalone add-ins to Solution Studio:
- Create solution on the same Site URL where you have lists customized with Modern Forms or Automation Actions
- Include all needed list/libraries to Other list & libraries or Dossiers sections using Select an existing one from your SharePoint site option, or add existing modern page containing Automation Actions
- Click Finish button and wait for installing skybow SPFx add-in for the first time
- Once the process is completed, all your existing customizations will be migrated to the Solution Studio folder
- After all lists/libraries or modern pages are migrated, it is recommended to delete Modern Forms and Automation Actions installed on the current site
Important notes
- Your existing Modern Forms and Automation Actions licenses will not work in Solution Studio. Please contact sales@skybow.com to purchase a new license
- When you create a package in your solution and deploy to another site with Modern add-ins installed, it is recommended to delete add-ins before deployment
Benefits of using Solution Studio
- A user-friendly web editor for your solution.
- Ability to create Scheduled and Triggered action and use Standard or M365 actions
- Use background calculation on the list (Aggregation, Metadata inheritance, Calculated Expression)
- Package and Publish
- Import package configuration to other solutions