Add item permissions action allows you grant specified permissions to users and groups for specified item of the list or library
Note: If an item does not have broken permissions, adding new permissions will break its permission inheritance
Example of Add item permissions action configuration on the current site
For more information about Action Builder read Action Builder introduction article.
To configure the action Add item permissions additional properties should be specified:
Property | Required | Type | Description |
List or library | yes | Choice | Specify the list or the library of the item you want to add permission for |
Item Id | yes | String | Specify Item ID or expression to be evaluated as ID of an item |
Permission level | yes | Choice | Set permission level available on this site |
User or group | yes | String | Specify user emails or group names, separated by commas |
Modern Forms | List Actions | Scheduled/Triggered Actions |
- | - | ✓* |
* In Scheduled/Triggered actions only adding item permissions to the list or library from the current site is available.
Output Parameter | Type | Description |
ItemID | Number | Returns the Id of the added item as output parameter and can be used in subsequent actions. |
PermissionID | Number | Returns the Id of the permission |
PermissionName | String | Returns the name of the permission |
UserEmails | Array of strings | Returns emails of the users |
GroupNames | Array of strings | Returns names of the groups |
To use UserEmails or GroupNames outputs and set the value to the Text field open Expression builder as Assignment expression and add this expression:
"User(s) " + [[@Actions.Add_item_permissions.UserEmails]].join(", ") + " received permissions"